Leave 1 Dollar

Leave 1 Dollar is a simple strategy to initiate the Law Of Attraction in your life by becoming a blessing to others.

The Simple Secret For The
Law Of Attraction

Leave 1 Dollar

You can discover the secret to the Law of Attraction. It is more simple than you think. Leave 1 Dollar is just an example to clarify the process. I will break my method down to three simple steps.

I received the guidance for this method from a great little Kindle book called, Happy Money, that I bought for 99-cents. (Since starting in 2015, I was able to purchase a new Toyota Tundra, and also buy a home on the Oregon Coast.)

You can use this same idea to draw financial increase to yourself, and become a blessing to others.

Actually, I hope you do. The planet will experience much more prosperity if there is an entire community extending ourselves to others.

There is nothing to buy. NO secret course for only $97. NO email list to sign-up for. NO private group for a monthly fee.

You have everything you need to become wealthy already inside you.

Leave1Dollar is just an ongoing journal of how following a specific plan helped me, and a few insights about the Law Of Attraction.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11 ~NIV)

I am not promising to make you exceedingly wealthy. You will find that only YOU have the choice and opportunity to do this.

What I will do, however, is share what works for me, and chronicle how my own life is being affected with this simple implementation of the Law of Attraction.

Thank You For Visiting Leave 1 Dollar

Thank you for visiting my site. Obviously, you were drawn to search for it, and the Universe determined Leave 1 Dollar is to be a part of your spiritual pathway.

Just so you know, I'm a spiritual person. I see people as inherently good, and wanting to be the best they can be. I believe there is enough of everything (including money) to go around. 

I will use God and The Universe interchangeably, although mostly I stick with God. (It is easier for me.) Please use whatever works best for you...Divine Spirit, Master Teacher, Cosmic Guidance, etc. They will all work in the spirit world.

I also use a lot of quotes from The Bible because they have stood the test of time when it comes to initiating the Law Of Attraction. However, don't be surprised to see quotes from other spiritual leaders, like Marianne Williamson, Oprah Winfrey, Joel Osteen, or Ester Hicks. 

Although the tenor of this site is about helping to increase (and even explode) the flow of money into your life -- you will find that the other two important areas of your life...Health and Relationships...can also improve in quality.

This site isn't solely about making a bunch of money...it is truly about changing your life to experience all of God's promises, while bringing goodness and Hope to others.

Leave 1 Dollar is not about money magically appearing on your doorstep. It is about you becoming a blessing to others.

Before we go any farther, let me give you a little insight on the Law Of Attraction.

Just because you give your dreams and desires to God/The Universe, and follow the steps in Leave 1 Dollar, this does NOT mean a sack full of gold coins and $100 dollar bills will show up on your back patio.

The Law Of Attraction is not about getting a surprise  inheritance, purchasing the next winning PowerBall ticket, or getting rich quick.

When you ask The Universe to give you financial wealth, and you do your part by being the best person you can possibly be...God will put the right people, events, and circumstances in your life to make this happen. You just have to be open to them.

The Law of Attraction is all about ideas and opportunities to increase your financial situation...NOT a money drop.

You will be asked to take personal action, however, you will be guided to prosperous activities that you will now enjoy doing.

But remember the LORD your God,  for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.
(Deuteronomy 8:18 ~ NIV)

The Simplicity Of Leave 1 Dollar

I understand that some who visit here will smirk at the simplicity of initiating this life-changing formula. Some will be turned-off and leave because it is uncomplicated and sounds silly.

For some reason, once we get past about age 22, we look for solutions to sound logical, intelligent, and "adult." We easily dismiss those explanations with simple steps (that happen to require an ingredient of strong focus and an element of Faith.)

I have come to believe that there are no coincidences in The Universe/God's World. The spiritual vibrations you sent out guided you to this site. For some reason, known only to your subconscious, you needed to read this...and you attracted it into your life.

Whether you follow through, or not, is totally up to YOU.

Think about it...what could possibly be easier than anonymously leaving a dollar bill, in a semi-hidden spot, to bring blessings to a stranger...and ultimately, financial increase to yourself?

One man gives freely, yet gains even more;
another withholds
unduly and comes to poverty.
(Proverbs 11:24 ~ NIV)

Nothing will happen until you put the information of Leave 1 Dollar into practice. Remember, every promise from God demands a responsible action from you.

I am not saying my way is the only way to make the Law of Attraction work...nor am I saying it is the best way. It is just a way that has worked for me to increase my wealth, and I wanted to share it with others.

No single path to anything...losing fat, building muscle, getting a date...works for everybody. But what have you got to lose if you try it for 30 days?

If it doesn't work significantly, it is my belief that you will be guided to an even better method God has designed specifically for you.

Best wishes as you take the next step along your spiritual path. I wish you a lifetime of abundance and prosperity. I truly believe God/The Universe will bring you the desires of your heart when you become a blessing to others.

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