Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who
created all the lights in the heavens.
He never changes or casts a
shifting shadow.
(James 1:17 ~ NLT)
Gratitude and the Law of Attraction are positively intertwined. You will find that your day goes better, and you receive continual blessings throughout when you start your morning with gratitude.
This is Day 21 of my Leave 1 Dollar experiment. I wanted to touch on the concept of Gratitude since it is such a foundational part of the Law of Attraction.
I use "God" and "the Universe" interchangeably throughout my site just because I relate best to those descriptors. Please use the spiritual names that best define your approach. Substituting names like "Great Spirit"..."The All Knowing"..."Higher Consciousness" will all work.
I have been doing this for a long time. Somewhere, about 20 years ago, I read that by giving the first 5 minutes of the day to God, you set a positive vibration in motion.
Since listening to Rhonda Byrne, on her "The Power" CD set, I have expanded this up to 15 minutes.
As Rhonda says, "Gratitude is the great accelerator." The goodness you send out is bundled by The Universe and returned to you throughout the day."
I give thanks the Universe for a nourishing night's sleep and waking up to a day of surprising favor. I particularly thank God for the wisdom He gives me, and His protection. These two elements have made my life more wonderful than anyone can imagine.
I ask God to come into my heart, my mind, and my spirit to counsel me and direct my steps throughout the day. I tell Him I am thankful because when I have tried to do it on my own, it has NEVER gone well.
I then ask Him to be in charge of my thoughts, words, and actions...so that anything I say or do is uplifting to others and brings honor to Him.
From here I pray for friends and family members...and ask God to keep them in the palm of His hand. I thank Him for all the goodness He will bring them today. I pray for children and small animals in situations that are unwholesome, and ask God to please be with them.
I give thanks for all that the Universe has planned for me. I know that God promises to bless me with great abundance, and I ask that I am able to recognize all of His blessings throughout the day...and acknowledge them to him.
I thank Him for a new day of increased traffic and sales with my online home business.
Starting your morning with gratitude attracts more goodness to you. The Law Of Attraction works perfectly when we align ourselves with the vibration it has specifically for each of us.
Doinna Hopkins is a couples counselor in Clearwater FL. She gives workshops on enhancing your relationship by being thankful.
She said, "Gratitude makes your brain positive. It also makes you stop taking things for granted.
Practicing gratitude and becoming mindful go hand-in-hand.
When you practice gratitude, you intentionally focus on what you have, not what you don't have. You stop taking things for granted.
You're probably reading this on a laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone. Are you taking these for granted? In a majority of the world, these are luxuries!
The benefits of gratitude and the Law Of Attraction really expand when you start giving thanks for things you normally took for granted."
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
~ Eckhart Tolle,
A New Earth: Awakening To Your Life's Purpose
I chose this bus stop outside of several medical facilities to leave one dollar.
I know a lot of the riders who sit here have anxious thoughts on their minds. Many of them live alone, and have no means of reliable transportation.
I am hopeful that a single dollar, with a handwritten prayer for them, will bring the blessing of feeling connected to the stranger who finds it.
I had a friend call me and ask if I could make a donation for her missionary work in Thailand. I was thankful I could offer her $500.
Without God's increase of my finances, I would not be able to do this. I know that money will go on to help her bring reading and writing skills to children in the poorest neighborhoods of Thailand.
Later on, today, I learned more about bicycle repair at the children's toy workshop where I volunteer. I know the skills I am learning will help me in the future.
All during the day, I kept receiving ideas for my home business.
Brenda Palmer, who attends Unity Spiritual Center In The Rockies said, "Whatever you can imagine in your life that you want to be better, you can positively affect it by being intentionally grateful.
When times are crappy, it's real easy to complain. When you do that, your brain starts to rewire to see negativity in any challenge that shows up in your life.
All through the day, God...the Universe...will give you tests. It could be anything from a huge drop in the stock market, to spilling a carton of sunflower seeds all over the kitchen floor.
How you address and reframe those episodes will determine your continual frame of mind.
I'm not saying it's easy. When your 401K drops by $50,000 in one day, that can take your breath away. Finding something to be sincerely grateful for about that will really take some thought.
When you practice gratitude, though, life will get better in all areas. The Law Of Attraction will send some person, or idea to you to elevate the situation. You just have to be open to the opportunity."
Like Brenda said, practicing gratitude is not easy when things look are headed south. I've had to do this through break-ups, huge stock market drops, and bad athletic injuries.
Nothing bad lasts forever, and the Law Of Attraction always works in your favor when you maintain a good outlook.
God has tremendous favor coming in my future. I know he has an abundance of blessings coming in your future also.
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